Hello everyone!
Just trying out my own blog thing since its whats allmost everyone else is doing anyway. Besides its your online diary in a way so its cool,if you like to write alot (wich i do) I have lived a life up till now where in my teens,the female idols where Samantha Fox,Sabrina Salerno,Kate Bush to name a few,and here in Norway we had like Anneke Von Der Lippe,Petronella Barker,The Tuesday Girls etc. while i was younger,making huge impressions on me.
Sure,we had a couple of girls in the media world back then like Pamela Anderson,Anna Nicole Smith,and here in Norway we had Linda Johansen then abit later Tanya Hansen who had major surgery at young ages. But today the whole surgery,clinic thing has "gotten out of control". It was started like some extra service for thoose with natural born illness,been in a car crash,general accidents etc and other related stuff. Playboy Magazine soon become the number 1 plastic silicone whalley productions of them all. Girls died theyr hairs like some white-blonde-ish and had operations to old Hefners satisfaction.
The really sad and shitty thing about it all,was i think that made such a huge influence on girls all over the world. Just because certain magazines etc had theese girls on the front cover every month or so,girls slowly started thinking that they had to look like this to get accepted. Talking to older people then me,there was no need for this surgery nonsence amongst girls before.
So when a girl today starts talking negativly about her breasts,its not because they are too small,flat,long,short whatever. Its the idiotic "female ideal" thats creeping in,alongside with pressure from others in the everyday life etc. Its in our nature to not be satisfied with every part of our body,but we learn to live with it,and we learn that others actually love it for what it is.
So with a media discussion recently been in Norwegian press,i would like to say that young females who has taken such operations and are fine with it,no problem for me. Your chooise of living,but do not go to the newspapers and weekly magazines with quotes like "dont be afraid to take operations like this,its now just as common as going to the dentist". I know how the emdia works,how they can manipulate quotes here and there to theyr advantages. But when you stand out as a public person in not yet your mid 20s,i start to react when you first do something for yourself,and stand for it. Then you get mad over some of the media writing about yourself (remember,you stook your noose in the spotlight with that in mind...i do hope)
I would say that many girls do take theese surgery operations just because they feel a pressure mentally to do just that. And i do not get why girls who are quoted "allways been confident,and comfortable with my body",but i did a boob job just because i was tired of just moaning and groaning over stuff,instead of doing it. I mean come on,then theres clearly been a mental issue in your head. And by girls experience on this stuff,you do feel refreshed in your mind after a surgery like that. But its all in your head,and next time you see another fault you cant deal with (perhaps,maybe),you dig your own hole bigger and deeper. Because in the end,you do regret all theese operations. OR after that 1 operation you start regreting over the years,maybe because of painfull complications that will maybe not go over in an instant,maybe not ever. Or you just regret having them,because they didnt look as good as you hoped them to be,and by being operated once you do need to have them "maintainached"/replaced in like every 4-5 years or so. So my suggestion is,to all girls out there. Please do think over it very very seriously,both the up sides and the down sides of doing such.
I dont think it looks any good,a very few girls with silicon do look ok with it. Allways the same shapes,an awfull look when they stretch theyr arms in the air,bends over naked or whatever. "Inside scars" kinda floats over the breasts. The main key to happiness,is to get mentally happy,not trying to fix your outside to get that "happiness",often that feeling is just a mind trick. Like a doctor seeing you,youve been quite alot to the doctor about many things you think you have during the years. The Doctor gives you some meds for your problem,you take them and feel "100% again". You come back to the Doctor,thanks him,and he says: Can i tell you something? Yes of course! Thoose medications i gave you....they where just as usefull as taking a pair of Aspirins. Just an example,but ive read about such a thing happening. Our minds can easily trick us to feel much worse,sader then we actually are. Thats why: Girls,do not rush out and take "boobjobs" just because you want a pair of juggaliscious balloons. The natural way is allways the best,and our minds can get help in a much cheaper and better way then emptying all your savings on plastic.
Thats all about the matter. I had to let out some steam on it,seeing soo many idiotic articles and interviews on the subject. On future blogings here i wont be the one bloging what i eate for breakfast and what came out the other day,catch my drift erm point? I find it totally meaningless.....hopefully most my blogings will make you think,make you laugh,make you smile,or simple...be of somekind of help to you.
it will be containing alot of the subjects pictures,music,films,movies as i am a freak/slave of thoose and other things. Tally Ho until next time!! ;)
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