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tirsdag 2. november 2010

La denne stakkars jenta kalt "ØLLØV" være i fred!

Sorry guys,this is an Norwegian post.

Var på Facebook nettopp.....
I min lek på "Phrases applikasjonen" kom jeg over en lagd Phrase bolk med denne jenta alle kaller Ølløv nå,klikte den og ble ganske glad da denne meldingen kommer opp: Denne applikasjonen eksisterer ikke lenger. Vi har slettet den fordi den brøt med vår Terms of use. Denne lille jenta har blitt et gigantisk mobbeoffer på youtube,såvell som facebook og andre communities. Det er ikke noe "kult",ei heller akseptabelt. Alt hun vil er å blogge,og få hyggelige tilbakemeldinger. Bruk sunn fornuft og tenk dere dette presset på dere selv mens dere ikke var fyldt 11år enda? Hun og familien sammen har sikkert hatt en tøff tid nå,og nå kjemper de nok sammen for å få bukt med all missbrukingen av videoer,latterliggjøring av henne. I starten håndterte hun dette på en høyst voksen og reflektert måte må jeg si,veldig imponerende når man husker eget ordforråd på den tiden. Føler med henne og familien nå <3 STOPP denne usaklige,ondskapsfulle mobbingen NÅ!

mandag 1. november 2010

Movies That Have Inspired Me Part 1

I thought about bringing back up the topic from Miami Vice,Quicksilver etc. where i mention movies with a great influence,inspiration,joy etc on me growing up. And to not step on much copyright toes im gonna search for any possible official trailers published for the movies.

Back to the early early days,first thing that pops into my mind now is a movie both me and my mom enjoyed very much with laughter and general happiness watching. Tom Hanks starring in Turner & Hooch.

Turner & Hooch
In general a story about a Policeman that gets another partner due to its owners death by murder,an unusual partner you might say. A funny story,but also a warm,touching story in the end. Maybe not one of thoose BIG movies if you catch my drift,but a movie you`ll love watching,especially if youre into the human and animal works together kind of movie. And it kinda developes from a pure comedy to a "different kind of love story",with a good bunch of drama,a little action in it as well. I guess it came out for rental VHS here when i was maybe 10-11.....around 1989.

The Shawshank Redemption
Now this one is one of the best made movies of all times,simple and honestly speaking. I must have watched it between 50-80 times since it came out,and it still gets to me,makes you think over alot of life.

Tough Guys
Now this is another film you can watch over and over and over again. Legendary Kirk Douglas and Burt Lancaster as the Tough Guys. Love it,simple and easy. A Must See! Age before beauty ;)

The Bridge Over River Kwai
An old war movie from 1957 that also grabbed me,and i have never forgotten the whistling song of the Colonel Bogey March. Such a powerful movie made soo long ago,i doubt they could make one like this today. Today its all about more blood,violence/gore,special effects and what not. I come from a generation of people living thru the 80s as a youngster,right before the high tech age of music,movies and what not. So im kinda torn between the 2 worlds,the standard old good way of movie making,and the "revolutionary special effects" movies we see on a daily basis being made today,go more and more extreme just to make people watch it.

Where Only Eagles Dare
Another war movie,this time taken up to the well known Nazi on Europe and USA one,where Legends Clint Eastwood and Richard Burton are the 2 main characters also with Mary ure in a female leading role. Also a good made movie taken into consideration the time it was made in,1968. Broadsword calling Danny Boy ovah?! Do You Have It Ovah? Go Choke On It Then Ovah! (Just kidding) :)

Hamburger Hill
Taking a leap into The `Nam,with this not for the fainted hearted War movie about just how hard,insane and unhumanish theese soldiers was sent of to capture this well known Hill in Vietnam. What separates this movie is the number of then not very known actors up on today,and some are somewhat known of course. Still every single one of them made this into a movie that disgusts you,grabs you,well even for someone makes you cry over this based on a true story movie. In one way or another,Hamburger Hill puts a mark in your memory. And if you choose to watch it,it really should. Not a very healthy sign if you come out of this one laughing or thinking positively,right? ;) Somebody,even including my mom said to me several years ago: That movie is just blood,gore and not entertaining at all. I can highly relate to thoose thoughts and opinions,but hey...its nothing compared to what the real guys who died and lived thru that Hill saw back in the longest lasting war ever. If you survived the Vietnam War as a frontlined based,constant fighting soldier,you are truly lucky and blessed if you live the days thru today,without any deep inside (and outside) "scars". Most the guys came out of it as "nutjobs",killed themselfs or ended up on the streets as bums,alcohol,drug missusers etc. And especially documented,since the American allies had the most soldiers in this war too,theyr young guys or older guys came home to nothing,no school or job to "fall back on",and for most the USA wasnt even welcoming them back. Many expressed themselfs as "the scum of the earth" coming back from the man slaughters in Vietnam. Eventhough they fought for theyr own Country down there,and for a hope of peace.

Now,here is my favourite War movie. The list of superb actors are longer then in any other war movie,and with such a huge difference in personalities,attitude problems,and at the same time,how they are forces to get over it as best as they can,to stand together against a large enemy that can outnumber them anytime they want. Oliver Stone is a true live hero from thoose days,and what a talent for movie making. I usually love all his movies,because he doesnt put anything between in a movie about different issues and subjects,he goes all the way. Myself i see this as the big breakthru movie for a very very young Johnny Depp at that time,as the "Vietcong translator" Lerner i think his name was,sorry havent seen it in awhile but my memory usually is good so. My favourite character in this movie? Is there any doubt? ELIAS! What a guy,and i feel just as sad everytime i see a certain moment in the movie involving him on the run,with tons of Vietcongs chasing him. Willem Dafoe,is also one of my elite favourite actors in the US. Some saw him smiling as a bit of a "creepy guy",but he had that special look to be such a well respectaded Vietnam Vet,and i think hes cool looking,and love the way he takes care of his men. Barnes/Tom Beregner is the kind of guy many can crap theyr pants by the views of,his face shows that he has been dealing with many an enemy up close and personal. Knifes etc,maybe even tortured,its something Oliver Stone has left for our imagination,wich is good,i love it. Hes the toughest cookie of them all,he doesnt fear noone,but he does have his feelings,wich he tries to hide from the rest of "The Platoon". The coolest guy in Platoon,is definetely King played by Keith David. An great Actor i would see get some more credit then he has in his many movie roles. Love that guy,hes a superb one for war movies,super funny comedys,thrillers,actions etc. If i had to be in a Platoon with anyone,i would be in one with King. :) Also love Big Harold,played by the amazing Forest Withaker. Biggest dorks i can remember,characters i couldnt stand? Kevin Dillon...the shotgun guy,i think they called him Rabitt? No wait..Bunny? Yeah because of his "bunny tale behind the helmet". And of course the biggest "pussy of them all", John C. McGinley as one of the Sgts...uhm...O`Neill. David Neidorf as Tex was a cool white guy,with his green bandana on,and a cross over his chest with MG ammo,and one more of the Afro Americans in the movie,he didnt last very long but made a good impression on me,Corkey Ford as Manny. OH,almost forgot Tony Todd,one of the bad good guys in the Platoon,uhm his name in the movie was...Warren i think. This movie made many of todays stars a very hot name in the buisness by being in Platoon,no doubt about it.

I have been written soo much to soo little movies,i think i call this blogg post to an end,but ill be back with more later. See you soon :)

fredag 15. oktober 2010

Miami Vice: In the Air Tonight Trailer (Final Version)

As Miami Vice wouldve looked like if it was in another decade,if we are to believe the producer and director.

Miami vice, season 1 scene from THE MAZE

During the 80s there was NOONE cooler or tougher then Philip Michael Thomas and Don Johnson. Still upon today i find this duo at the Elite of Movie,TV Series characters as Crockett and Tubbs in Miami Vice.
I sure wish i saw more of Philip in movies as we did with Don,because his acting is just as good,maybe even better then Dons. Anyway,nothing better then sunshine,to good to be true looking bikini,swimsuit babes,fast powerful cars and the rawest boats,combined with Crockett and Tubbs cool dress outfits during the entire seasons (allways wanted them i remember lol) Funny as hell dance moves on certain people (usually stiff male stereotypes) and both good looking and hilariosly ugly 80s clothing styles. Still can watch theese guys over and over and over if i have the chance. Collin Farrel and Jamie Foxx (especially) arent half that good.

The Miami Vice movie was a shitty "Miami Vice movie",but a quite good,entertaining normal action movie. I think also to remember the guys behind it dont wanting to try and make a 80ish kind of Miami Vice copy,but kinda make it as it may have been looking if produced today. And they made it OK,didnt get that Miami Vice feeling as a heavy hardcore M-V fan,but they did a good action movie nonetheless. Ill be dedicated enough to post a trailer of it under this one.

Quicksilver Movie Trailer with Kevin Bacon

One of thoose childhood movies that were burned into my memory was this not very known movie in my Country,Quicksilver with Kevin Bacon and others. As a kid i was drawn into the horn-steering bicycles and all the cool tricks that they did,and that Kevins character mostly "lived on his bike". Allways been interested in bicycles myself and had a BMX,a OffRoader and a couple of Indian Inspired Apache bicycles. I dreamt of having a horn steering one but at that time they just cost too much. This movie is not sold in any local movie,music shops or even the most famous net stores today here,so i must admit that my only option to see it again is to order it from outside Norway wich will cost me alot extra with customs etc,or maybe find someone sharing it online. I dont recommend ever to do just so,but for such an old movie like this....can it really be that bad to get it "free",when youve looked all around for it? Im a DVD collector kind of guy,but not for any price. Just my little point to all this propaganda about Piracy is a crime,i dont see the big crime in seeing again a movie who has had its income over some decades,wich you love. Just let me make it clear that easier to find movies,music etc i do find,i buy. You know on the subject,when it comes down to Norwegian Movies (even Swedish,Danish) im even more hardcore fan of buying DVDs. If theyre old or new,doesnt matter as long as theyre out there somewhere. Because cinemas isnt my thing really. I saw my last bunch of cinema movies in 1994 and i couldnt 100% live myself into the movie,or actually being focused on it. Remember it being to name 2,Forrest Gump and Lion King.
I can only remember bits and pieces of the cinema version,both i bought later on on DVDs (my mom even had Forrest Gump on VHS,so she beat me to it haha) 
During the weekend im planning on posting some other older favorite movies of mine and a little something why,like with Quicksilver. Tally Ho! :)

søndag 10. oktober 2010

First ever topic is about girls,young women and surgery

Hello everyone!
Just trying out my own blog thing since its whats allmost everyone else is doing anyway. Besides its your online diary in a way so its cool,if you like to write alot (wich i do) I have lived a life up till now where in my teens,the female idols where Samantha Fox,Sabrina Salerno,Kate Bush to name a few,and here in Norway we had like Anneke Von Der Lippe,Petronella Barker,The Tuesday Girls etc. while i was younger,making huge impressions on me.

Sure,we had a couple of girls in the media world back then like Pamela Anderson,Anna Nicole Smith,and here in Norway we had Linda Johansen then abit later Tanya Hansen who had major surgery at young ages. But today the whole surgery,clinic thing has "gotten out of control". It was started like some extra service for thoose with natural born illness,been in a car crash,general accidents etc and other related stuff. Playboy Magazine soon become the number 1 plastic silicone whalley productions of them all. Girls died theyr hairs like some white-blonde-ish and had operations to old Hefners satisfaction.

The really sad and shitty thing about it all,was i think that made such a huge influence on girls all over the world. Just because certain magazines etc had theese girls on the front cover every month or so,girls slowly started thinking that they had to look like this to get accepted. Talking to older people then me,there was no need for this surgery nonsence amongst girls before.

So when a girl today starts talking negativly about her breasts,its not because they are too small,flat,long,short whatever. Its the idiotic "female ideal" thats creeping in,alongside with pressure from others in the everyday life etc. Its in our nature to not be satisfied with every part of our body,but we learn to live with it,and we learn that others actually love it for what it is.

So with a media discussion recently been in Norwegian press,i would like to say that young females who has taken such operations and are fine with it,no problem for me. Your chooise of living,but do not go to the newspapers and weekly magazines with quotes like "dont be afraid to take operations like this,its now just as common as going to the dentist". I know how the emdia works,how they can manipulate quotes here and there to theyr advantages. But when you stand out as a public person in not yet your mid 20s,i start to react when you first do something for yourself,and stand for it. Then you get mad over some of the media writing about yourself (remember,you stook your noose in the spotlight with that in mind...i do hope)

I would say that many girls do take theese surgery operations just because they feel a pressure mentally to do just that. And i do not get why girls who are quoted "allways been confident,and comfortable with my body",but i did a boob job just because i was tired of just moaning and groaning over stuff,instead of doing it. I mean come on,then theres clearly been a mental issue in your head. And by girls experience on this stuff,you do feel refreshed in your mind after a surgery like that. But its all in your head,and next time you see another fault you cant deal with (perhaps,maybe),you dig your own hole bigger and deeper. Because in the end,you do regret all theese operations. OR after that 1 operation you start regreting over the years,maybe because of painfull complications that will maybe not go over in an instant,maybe not ever. Or you just regret having them,because they didnt look as good as you hoped them to be,and by being operated once you do need to have them "maintainached"/replaced in like every 4-5 years or so. So my suggestion is,to all girls out there. Please do think over it very very seriously,both the up sides and the down sides of doing such.

I dont think it looks any good,a very few girls with silicon do look ok with it. Allways the same shapes,an awfull look when they stretch theyr arms in the air,bends over naked or whatever. "Inside scars" kinda floats over the breasts. The main key to happiness,is to get mentally happy,not trying to fix your outside to get that "happiness",often that feeling is just a mind trick. Like a doctor seeing you,youve been quite alot to the doctor about many things you think you have during the years. The Doctor gives you some meds for your problem,you take them and feel "100% again". You come back to the Doctor,thanks him,and he says: Can i tell you something? Yes of course! Thoose medications i gave you....they where just as usefull as taking a pair of Aspirins. Just an example,but ive read about such a thing happening. Our minds can easily trick us to feel much worse,sader then we actually are. Thats why: Girls,do not rush out and take "boobjobs" just because you want a pair of juggaliscious balloons. The natural way is allways the best,and our minds can get help in a much cheaper and better way then emptying all your savings on plastic.

Thats all about the matter. I had to let out some steam on it,seeing soo many idiotic articles and interviews on the subject. On future blogings here i wont be the one bloging what i eate for breakfast and what came out the other day,catch my drift erm point? I find it totally meaningless.....hopefully most my blogings will make you think,make you laugh,make you smile,or of somekind of help to you.
it will be containing alot of the subjects pictures,music,films,movies as i am a freak/slave of thoose and other things. Tally Ho until next time!! ;)